Hornbeam Flower Essence: A Natural Support for Mental Fatigue and Monday Morning Blues Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) flower essence has long been recognized in Bach flower therapy as a gentle yet effective remedy for mental fatigue and that all-too-familiar "Monday...
Case Study: Homeopathic Treatment of Complex Pediatric Symptoms
Patient Profile A 10-year-old male presented with multiple concerns including nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), multiple warts, and behavioral challenges. The patient demonstrated a gentle disposition overall but struggled with confidence issues and occasional...
Homeopathic case: Treatment of eczema
Healing Journey: A Young Man's Path to Recovery Through Homeopathy When a mother reached out about her 17-year-old son's lifelong eczema, I could hear the hope mixed with concern in her voice. They had tried nearly everything, and the steroid creams were now thinning...
Homeopathy and Mental Health
Using Homeopathics to assist with deep mental health issues This is with no doubt a very sensitive area in our modern world. There is an epidemic of mental health issues in our society, and while there are ways we can manage them it can be very difficult to...
A B12 balancing protocol using homeopathy
What is b12? Vitamin b12 is an undervalued nutrient in modern culture in many ways. This critical nutrient has an affinity for many tissues in the body, especially the nervous system. Our cellular energy centres, the mitochondria also require it to produce energy...
The forgotten cell salts, part two
The forgotten cell salts, part two In the last part of my blog I detailed you in on some homeopathic cell salts that are not so well known within practice, but appear to have amazing value for healing acute and chronic health problems In our modern world. Acting as...
The forgotten cell salts part one
The forgotten cell salts, part one (2 part series) What are cell salts? Today it is quite widely known that Dr Schuessler, a biochemist and homeopath, discovered cell salts from the combustion of human cells. They were residual minerals found within the tissues that...